Hot Hues
Another outing for Tropical Night in Hot Hues, a companion exhibit to Colores de Cuba-a celebration of Cuban art and culture at Cotuit Center for the Arts from March 1-April 12.
Another outing for Tropical Night in Hot Hues, a companion exhibit to Colores de Cuba-a celebration of Cuban art and culture at Cotuit Center for the Arts from March 1-April 12.
Georgia’s Perspective will be exhibited in "We are not women; we are gods" V2 at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod in South Yarmouth, MA from Tuesday, April 1-Saturday, April 26. |
Marsh Light has been selected for the juried exhibition Why Cape Cod at the Cape Cod Museum of Art. Juror Laura Shabott chose 74 artworks from 375 submissions for this exhibit which will be on view from January 16-March 30 with a reception and gallery talk on Thursday, February 6 at 4:00.
Transformation is the theme of the Winter Art series opening at the Cotuit Center for the Arts on January 11 with a reception from 3:00-5:00 pm. A Winter's Tale depicts the utter transformation of a local bog during a Cape Cod winter. The exhibit will be on view through February 23 with art hung at the eye level of younger visitors who will tour the show.
The Cultural Center of Cape Cod invited members to offer Fresh Perspectives for their annual winter members exhibition. New Year's Day on the Chapin Flats is my interpretation. The exhibit will be on view through February 1.
Rockport Art Association & Museum National Show 2024
Provincelands, a monotype, was included in Unique Impressions, an exhibition o the Salmagundi Club celebrating this printmaking technique from December 10-January 3.
Cotuit Center for the Arts Annual Member, Student, Faculty Exhibit
It's Pastel, the 16th annual national juried exhibit of the Pastel Society of New Hampshire is open at the Discover Portsmouth Center in Portsmouth, NH from October 26-November 23.
Self Awareness and Love, a juried exhibit of the National Association of Women Massachusetts Chapter at the Wedeman Gallery at Lasell University in Newton, MA
Stories in Frames is a virtual photography exhibit of the National Association of Women Artists. View the entire show at:
Central Massachusetts Pastel Society National Juried Exhibition
Fivesparks, Harvard, MA
Proud to donate Queen Anne Returns to Sesuit Neck to benefit the Cape Cod Museum of Art
Always a thrill to exhibit at the historic Salmagundi Club in NYC!
I am pleased to have the opportunity to show a work that truly was a change of pace for me-an imagined image based on vivid memories and an atypical medium. Provincelands, a monotype, was selected for A Different Dimension at the Larkin Gallery in Harwichport. The exhibit will run from June 9-July 7 with an opening reception on Sunday, June 9 from 2-4 pm.
I am grateful to juror Whitney Alexanderson Heavey for selecting my pastel Moondance for an Honorable Mention award in the 29th Annual All Cape Cod Exhibit at the Creative Arts Center in Chatham. The exhibit runs from June 2-July 1.
I am proud to have my work displayed in the Masters Exhibit at the Cape Cod Art Center in Barnstable. The show runs from April 15-May 10 with a reception on Friday, April 19 from 5:00-7:00.
I am honored to have my pastel painting Dune selected for the juried exhibition of the National Association of Women Artists MA Chapter at The Art Complex Museum in Duxbury. "Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?” runs from April 28-September 1. An opening reception will take place on Sunday, May 12 from 1-4.
Heading to lovely Old Lyme, CT for the April 26 opening reception for the juried Members/Associates exhibit of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club which runs from April 19 to May 30 at the Lyme Art Association. Catharine Lorillard Wolfe was an American philanthropist who served as the only woman of the founding directors of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The club was founded in 1896 as a national organization to show and promote works by professional women artists.
The 2nd Annual Pastels Plus, an exhbit of the Central Massachusetts Pastel Society combines pastel with other mediums. Thank you to juror Marcia Holmes for including Luminous Lupines as one of 90 paintings selected from 232 entries. The entire show may be viewed at
Nine artists from Eastwind Gallery in Orleans will be exhibiting Cape Cod inspired artwork from February 3-March 27 at the Falmouth Hospital Gallery. Gallery members participating in the exhibit include Janell Bauer, Sandy Boudreau, Patrick Boufford, Elinor Freedman, Sandy Guidess, Karen Pryce, Sallie Raymond, Carol Sheingold, and John Wiliszowski. In addition to the live exhibit, art may be viewed online on the Eastwind Gallery website at
Rosie in Her Heyday has been selected for the 147th Annual Black and White Exhibit at the historic Salmagundi Club in New York. The exhibit runs from January 29-February 23.
Finding a Way is included in the Annual Member Exhibition at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod in South Yarmouth.
Crash was included in this annual pre-holiday show at the Cotuit Center for the Arts.
In 2020 as we were all home and online, I happened upon a digital art course with Barbara Braman through the Cape Cod Art Center and have been dabbling ever since with possibilities to create and enhance art practice. So I am especially excited to have Tropical Night selected for inclusion in PIXELS, a collaborative Juried Exhibition of the National Association of Digital Artists (NaDA) and the Cape Cod Museum of Art. 104 artists from 5 countries and 7 states submitted a total of 192 artworks for this competition. Only 45 artworks were selected. Many thanks to juror Nicki Fitz-Gerald for including my piece in this exhibition. A gallery talk and reception will be held at the Cape Cod Museum of Art on Thursday, December 7 at 3:00. The exhibit will be on view from November 22-February 11.
Exhibit sponsored by the National Association of Women Artists at Wedeman Gallery at Lassell College, Newton, MA
15th Annual National Juried Exhibition of the Pastel Society of New Hampshire